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South African Cooking in the USA

Aileen Wilsen - Kathleen Farquharson
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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Over 170 recipes showcasing this unique cuisine incorporating African, European, and Eastern cooking traditions.

Distilled through years of diverse and dynamic culture, South African food is both distinct and delicious. In this cookbook, mother-daughter duo Aileen Wilsen and Kathleen Farquharson provide not only a wide variety of recipes but tips on procuring (or substituting) hard-to-find ingredients as well as accurate and reliable US measurement conversions (so you'll never find yourself searching for a calculator in your kitchen cabinets).

Inside you'll find over 170 mouth-watering South African dishes, tweaked and perfected for easy and authentic preparation in American kitchens. From snacks and appetizers, to entrees and decadent desserts, South African Cooking in the USA will inspire hundreds of three course meals. Some favorites include:

Samoosas * Peppadew dip * Bunny Chow * Bobotie * Oxtail Stew * Hot Durban Curry * Monkeygland Steak * Chakalaka * Buttermilk Rusks * Melktert * Hot Cross buns * and many more

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo

Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781635617535

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South African Cooking in the USA

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