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Spera: Ascencion of the Starless Vol. 1 - Atelier Sentô - Giannis Milonogiannis - Josh Tierney - Mindy Lee - Sourya Sihachakr - Valentin Seiche
Spera: Ascencion of the Starless Vol. 1 - Atelier Sentô - Giannis Milonogiannis - Josh Tierney - Mindy Lee - Sourya Sihachakr - Valentin Seiche

Spera: Ascencion of the Starless Vol. 1

Atelier Sentô - Giannis Milonogiannis - Josh Tierney - Mindy Lee - Sourya Sihachakr - Valentin Seiche
pubblicato da BOOM! Studios

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WHY WE LOVE IT: Eisner Award-nominated creator Josh Tierney has a gift for bringing together the best up-and-coming indie talent to illustrate the adventures of Pira and Lono, our two favorite princesses in comics! This volume marks a brand-new starting point to jump into the world of Spera, with a daring new quest that longtime fans will also love.

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: SPERA is a stunningly illustrated mash-up of all the best things in life: webcomics, young-adult fantasy, retro video games, pulp adventure comics, and fairy tales. Fans of Zelda, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Frozen, Tamora Pierce, and LUMBERJANES will love this series!

WHAT IT'S ABOUT: The Starless Queen is plotting an invasion of Spera, and has sent the merciless General Zeal to secure its capital. Unfortunately for the Queen, her daughterthe exiled adventurer Princess Piraand Pira's best friend Princess Lono have discovered her plotand will go to any lengths to stop her. Along with their friendsthe fire spirit, Yonder, and the ruthless cat ChoboPira and Lono must set off on a perilous journey to warn the Speran King, up monster-infested mountains, through villages full of crazed warriors, and down dark tunnels walled with madness itself.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Dizionari ed enciclopedie » Opere di consultazione , Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa a Fumetti

Editore Boom! Studios

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781613982686

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Spera: Ascencion of the Starless Vol. 1

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