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Spooky Recovery

Ashley Whitehead
pubblicato da Aaron Mcdonald

Prezzo online:
-5 %

Ghosts and monsters run rampant across the globe.

Ancient spirits reappear on earth.

Yu Xiao, however, becomes the only gamer.

He was surprised to find that mosquitoes and flies had become wild monsters, everyone had become NPCs that could issue quests, and as long as an area where a weird event had occurred, a field copy was automatically generated.

Congratulations to the player who passed the copy of "Grievance Study Room" and obtained the Wandering Soul Set!

[Congratulations to the player who passed the copy of "Immortal Martial Tiger Prison Pass" and obtained the Demon God Lu Bu's Soul!


Congratulations to the player who passed the advanced copy of "Abyssal Kingdom of God" and obtained the God King's Bloodline and Chaos Magic Sword!

While others were still trembling in fear over the strange invasion.

Yu Xiao has already relied on fighting monsters and upgrading, doing quests, brushing copies to go to the peak of his life, and even discovered the truth and secrets hidden behind the curtain of the bizarre recovery.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantascienza , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Aaron Mcdonald

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798869387615

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Spooky Recovery

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