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St Valentine's Secret Agent

Barbara Morgan
pubblicato da Ghostly Whisper Limited

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Julie, Giles, Miranda, Michael... and the day of love is approaching.

Four destinies meet and (above all) collide on the streets of Dublin. Will it be a "mission impossible" to fall in love?

The young Juliette Bonnet moved from Geneva to Dublin. She has an extraordinary ability, that of being hopelessly single on Valentine's Day. Concerned about her best friend Valerie, who was supposed to marry her boyfriend on Valentine's Day but was dumped instead, she is determined to find a way to cheer her up. A chance meeting with an American, Giles McGrath, brings her into contact with a particular agency managed by the cynical and disenchanted English businesswoman Miranda Crossing.

"Why not live a fairytale week with a man who venerates you and makes you feel like the most beautiful and desired woman on the love feast?"

This is what the agency "Secret Agents at Your Service" offers. So why not hire a "St. Valentine's Secret Agent"?

Julie finds the idea a bit pathetic and unfashionable, but simultaneously, the initiative amuses her. After all, she has nothing to lose. Thus, she intensifies her acquaintance with Giles by pushing him to date Valerie, even beyond the agreement with the agency.

Meanwhile, Miranda is struggling with one of her employees, the young, restless, and fiery "secret agent" Michael Wrighton, who is determined to win her over.

But Giles, Michael's cousin and roommate, believes that Julie's interest is in the more daring and experienced "secret agent".

Several characters will intertwine their lives with those of the protagonists, animating a comedy of errors that, until the very end, seems to reshuffle the cards at every twist: a charming and uninhibited cam boy, a woman who still believes in fairy tales, a man with a sensitive and romantic soul, who doesn't want to give up on love...

Only love can warm the heart in a magical and sensual Dublin shrouded in a freezing winter. Only love can still give hope.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Ghostly Whisper Limited

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 16/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781915077950

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St Valentine

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