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Stage Fright Bunny - Kelly Johnson
Stage Fright Bunny - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Stage Fright Bunny

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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In the serene depths of a forest, beneath the sprawling roots of an ancient oak tree, lived Bella, a timid bunny with a remarkable gift: a voice that spun melodies as delicate as moonlit whispers. While her forest friends frolicked in games, Bella found solace by the tranquil pond, where she serenaded the night with her heartfelt songs.

One fateful evening, Bella's lullaby caught the ear of Milo, a curious mouse passing by. Enthralled, Milo spread word of Bella's talent, drawing a crowd of forest creatures eager to hear her sing. Overcoming her initial nerves, Bella enchanted them with her music, becoming known as the "Singing Bunny."

As Bella's fame soared, so did her stage fright. Worries plagued herwhat if she forgot the words or faltered in front of her audience? In her moment of doubt, Milo reassured her with wisdom and friendship, offering to sing alongside her.

With Milo's support, Bella faced her fears. Standing before the gathered animals, she sang with newfound confidence. Her voice, buoyed by the harmony of her friends, resonated through the forest, bringing joy to all who listened.

From then on, Bella embraced her role as the forest's beloved singer, inspiring others with her courage and talent. Her story became legend, a testament to the power of overcoming fears and sharing one's gifts with love and friendship.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:06.42

Pubblicato 20/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882264597

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Stage Fright Bunny

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