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Star Wars Legacy Vol. 1

Jan Duursema - John Ostrander
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Collects Star Wars: Legacy (2006) #1-19, 0.5, Handbook. The future of Star Wars, the future of the galaxy, and the future of the Skywalkers is told in John Ostrander and Jan Duursema's acclaimed Star Wars: Legacy. A legion of Sith have conquered what was left of the Empire, the Jedi have been purgedor fled into hidingand the galaxy is divided. Meet Cade Skywalker, a bounty hunter who doesn't want anything to do with the Jedi, his famous name, or his legacy . . . But his legacy is determined to follow him as the good guys and the bad guys begin to search for himas a savior, and as a threat.

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi a fumetti

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/06/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302448776

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Star Wars Legacy Vol. 1

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