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Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance

Robin Furth - Stephen King
pubblicato da Scribner

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The Complete Concordance is an entertaining and incredibly useful guide to Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series by Robin Furth and features a foreword by Stephen King himself.

The Dark Tower series is the backbone of Stephen King's legendary career. Eight books and more than three thousand pages make up this bestselling fantasy epic. The Complete Concordance covers books I-VII and The Wind Through the Keyhole and is the definitive encyclopedic reference book that provides readers with everything they need to navigate their way through the series. With hundreds of characters, Mid-World geography, High Speech lexicon, and extensive cross-references, this comprehensive handbook is essential for any Dark Tower fan.


-A Foreword from Stephen King

-Characters and Genealogies

-Magical Objects and Forces
-Mid-World and Our World Places
-Portals and Magical Places
-Mid-, End-, and Our World Maps
-Timeline for the Dark Tower Series
-Mid-World Dialects
-Mid-World Rhymes, Songs, and Prayers
-Political and Cultural References
-References to Stephen King's Own Work

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Storia e Critica letteraria » Letteratura, storia e critica » Opere di consultazione » Narrativa, romanzieri e scrittori di prosa

Editore Scribner

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/11/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781451695045

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Stephen King

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