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Ed Dollinger
pubblicato da Full Court Press

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Cora Kronen abused her son, Herb, while leaving most of her estate to her daughter, Barbara. Then she made Herb the executor. Herb's lawyer shows him how to steal more than his share. Barbara's husband, a hot-shot corporate executive, hates his brother-in-law and demands she take everything back from him. Barbara wants to protect herself but give Herb his fair share. Teenager Terry Keller, meanwhile, needs a share of his dead mother's estate, but his cruel drunk of a father has forced Terry's unmarried mother to leave everything to him. If Terry can't do something, Barry will drink it all away. And Barney Moran is a stupid loan shark, indicted for usury, who, unless he testifies against his mob bosses, could do a long stretch in prison. but if he rats, he's a dead man. His sister, Kathy, wants to keep her brother free and alive. What do these three characters have in common? They're all clients of Ian Elkins, a smart and resourceful lawyer with nearly too much honesty and integrity, but with no criminal law experience. What chance does this near boy scout lawyer have against all those bad guys?

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Generi Non definito

Editore Full Court Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/11/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781938812255

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