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LUNAR ESTATES, Sci-fi/Drama, show that is on a journey through space after the destruction of planet Earth. The newly launched spacecraft will endure trouble onboard and out on their journey as the surviving crew manage to keep each person alive while in search of a new planet to build the new world. The issues that followed the crew onboard will come from several higher up politicians that want more than the positions they hold. There is fraud, lie and deceit, as Jake, the head council-member try to take down the current president with the lies that has followed him since his election.

In the strange, but horror story, WIZARDRY HOUSES, Reagan and Billy Reid search the houses on the Bayou, as they are wondering into unknown territories that plagued the area for decades. The couple seek out help from a well-known realtor that turn out to be a part of the wick cult that sought the couple into purchasing the house. The house was a nesting place where a group of cult worshippers gathered to perform strange ceremonies that called for the Devil.

BARE WALLS, gives you the typical criminal family that is looking for the next score or robbery. The Rump family that consist of Momma Rump, and her son Frank Rump and his long-time friend Rodney, who is just a month out of prison for theft. Momma Rump, Frank and Rodney plan to steal some art work from a local museum as they will sell it on the black market. As the paintings and art are stolen, Frank takes them back to his place, along with Rodney, but Frank has other devilish things in mind to eliminate Rodney.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Horror e gotica » Romanzi contemporanei , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Mark Wilson

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/09/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780463161906

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