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An anthology released to raise funds for the NHS and UK Healtcare workers. Fifty-three stories, 253,000 words of fiction, including several pieces that are original to this volume. A treasury of stories from some of the finest writers of science fiction, literary fiction, fantasy, horror, and more.

Introduction by Ian Whates
Last Contact Stephen Baxter
Slink-Thinking Frances Hardinge
Gossamer Ian Whates
The Feather Dress Lisa Tuttle
The Man Who Swallowed Himself Chris Beckett
Fat Man in the Bardo Ken MacLeod
Kings of Eternity Eric Brown
Muscadet Kiss Michèle Roberts
Dead Space George Mann
The Trace Christopher Priest
Golden Wing, Silver Eye Cat Hellisen
The Golden Nose Neil Williamson
On Ilkley Moor Alison Littlewood
About Helen Tade Thompson
Iphigenia in Aulis M.R. Carey
Just Watch Me Lesley Glaister
The Family Football Ian R. MacLeod
The Grave-Digger's Tale Simon Clark
The All-Nighter Mark Morris
Her Seal Skin Coat Lauren Beukes
A Conclusion Paul Cornell
Liberty Bird Jaine Fenn
The Ki-Anna Gwyneth Jones
Scienceville Gary Gibson
The Sphere Juliet E. McKenna
An Eligible Boy Ian McDonald
The Quick Child Jane Rogers
Trademark Bugs: A Legal History Adam Roberts
Working on the Ward Tim Pears
During the Dance Mark Lawrence
Out of the Woods Ramsey Campbell
Trick of the Light Tim Lebbon
Roman Games Anne Nicholls
Digits Robert Shearman
The Fox Maiden Priya Sharma
Roads of Silver, Paths of Gold Emmi Itaranta
All Deaths Well Intention'd RJ Barker
Epilogue: England, Summer 1558 Jon Courtenay Grimwood
The Christmas Repentance of the Mole Butcher of Tetbury Aliya Whiteley
Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Nations Of The World, Part V: A Voyage To The Island Of The Wolves Philip Palmer
Barking Mad Ian Watson
Lady with a Rose Reggie Oliver
Missing Blake Morrison
What We Sometimes Do, Without Thinking Mark West
Events Stan Nicholls
Wars of Worldcraft Adrian Tchaikovsky
Fixer, Worker, Singer Natalia Theodoridou
Witness Kim Lakin-Smith
Unravel Ren Warom
Like Clockwork Tim Major
A Million Reasons Why Nick Wood
The Road to the Sea Lavie Tidhar
Ten Love Songs to Change the World Peter F. Hamilton

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantascienza » Romanzi contemporanei » Racconti e antologie letterarie » Horror e gotica , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Newcon Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 19/04/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781393244011

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Stories of Hope and Wonder, in Support of UK Healthcare Workers

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