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Stringtastic Beginners: Viola

Paul Wood - Mark Wilson
pubblicato da Faber Music Limited

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The full eBook version of Stringtastic Beginners: Viola in fixed-layout format. Stringtastic Beginners is a fun new series designed to teach through playing in an engaging exploration of musical styles. A fully integrated series, violin, viola, cello and double bass can all learn and play together in any combination. Each book contains over 40 imaginative pieces to steadily establish a secure playing technique and build confidence, one step at a time, taking the student from complete beginner (open strings) to playing the notes of the D major scale. The first 20 pieces comprise two independent tunes that can be played as duets one for open strings and a more advanced part using the left-hand fingers, which students can revisit as they progress. Ideal for individual and group tuition as well as flexible ensemble and classroom settings. Every piece is supported by an exciting backing track plus a piano-only track for practice, all available to download. Plus, the teacher's book provides the complete piano accompaniments which work with any combination of instrumental parts.

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Editore Faber Music Limited

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/03/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780571592449

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Stringtastic Beginners: Viola

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