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Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

Atta-Ur- Rahman
pubblicato da Elsevier Science

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-10 %

Natural Product Chemistry continues to expand to exciting new frontiers of great importance in medicine. Written by international authorities in various fields of natural product chemistry, this latest volume in the well-established series Studies in Natural Products Chemistry contains 23 chapters, covering topics ranging from immunosuppressant and antimalarial compounds to bioactive substances useful in cancer and neural diseases. This present volume, will again be of great interest to research scientists and scholars working in the exciting field of new drug discovery.* Written by international authorities in the various fields of natural product chemistry* Contains 23 comprehensive articles covering topics ranging from immunosuppressant and antimalarial compounds to bioactive substances useful in cancer and neural diseases* Valuable source of information for research scientists and scholars in the field of new drug discovery

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Chimica

Editore Elsevier Science

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/08/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780080458472

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Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

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