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Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

Atta-Ur Rahman
pubblicato da Elsevier Masson

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Natural products present in the plant and animal kingdom offer a huge diversity of chemical structures, which are the result of biosynthetic processes that have been modulated over the millennia through genetic effects. With the rapid developments in spectroscopic techniques and accompanying advances in high-throughput screening techniques, it has become possible to isolate and then determine the structures and biological activity of natural products rapidly, thus opening up to the pharmaceutical industry exciting opportunities in the field of new drug development. The series covers all of the above as well as the synthesis, testing and recording of the medicinal properties of natural products. With articles written by leading authorities in their respective fields of research, Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Volume 46 presents current frontiers and future guidelines for research based on important discoveries made in the field of bioactive natural products. It is a valuable resource for all those working in natural product and medicinal chemistry. - Focuses on the chemistry of bioactive natural products - Contains contributions by leading authorities in the field - Presents sources of new pharmacophores

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Chimica » Biologia » Biochimica

Editore Elsevier Masson

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/04/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780444634696

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Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

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