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Stuff Every Bride Should Know

Michelle Park Lazette
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-9 %

An easy and elegant pocket-sized guide packed with everything a bride needs to plan a weddingfrom setting a date to enjoying the big day.

You're basking in the glow of your recent engagementcalling loved ones with the news, telling and retelling the proposal story, and admiring your ring. But now you actually have to plan the wedding! It can be an overwhelming prospect. Where do you even begin?

The ideal starting point for any bride-to-be, this mini-manual will help you not only envision but perfectly execute and actually enjoy your wedding, with expert advice on how to:

Set a budget for your dream wedding (without going into debt for it)
Find a fantastic outfit that fits your personal style (and lets you breathe)
Build a ceremony that honors family traditions (or creates new ones)
Find and hire the perfect vendors (or do it yourself)
Select a crowd-pleasing reception soundtrack (line dances optional)

Featuring handy lists and tons of tips, Stuff Every Bride Should Know will hold your hand every step of the way down the aisle.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Stile » Matrimoni » Umorismo » Antologie e collezioni , Romanzi e letteratura » Critica letteraria » Opere di consultazione

Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/12/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781594748349

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Stuff Every Bride Should Know

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