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Stuff Every Man Should Know

Brett Cohen
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-9 %

The modern Renaissance man's "little black book" featuring 50+ need-to-know life hackspackaged in one pocket-sized volume perfect for holiday gifting!

This handy reference guide reveals everything a 21st-century man ought to know (but might not)! Divided into 6 chapters, you'll find over 50 simple but comprehensive hacks for:

Domestic Life: Equip your toolbox, fix your car, and become a king of the grill.

Personal Appearance: Look like a million bucks with wardrobe essentials and grooming tips for facial hair and hair loss.

Health and Wellness: Start a healthy diet, exercise, and skincare routine!

Etiquette and Socializing: Make new friends, and impress your circle with awesome cocktails and wine.

Business and Pleasure: Work hard, play harder with career advice and insights on golfing, fishing, poker, and more!

Love and Relationships: Discover conservation startersand productive argument endersalongside other wise tips on dating, marriage, and parenthood.

Collected in one pocket-sized package, this self help book for men is the perfect gift for dads, husbands, friends, or brothers!

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Stuff Every Man Should Know

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