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Summer of Fire and Blood - Lyndal Roper
Summer of Fire and Blood - Lyndal Roper

Summer of Fire and Blood

Lyndal Roper
pubblicato da John Murray Press

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The definitive history of the sixteenth-century uprising that revolutionized Europe.

The German Peasants' War was the greatest popular uprising in Western Europe before the French Revolution. In 1524 and 1525, it swept across Germany with astonishing speed as thousands of people massed in armed bands to demand a new and more egalitarian order. The peasants took control of vast areas of southern and middle Germany, torching and plundering the monasteries, convents, and castles that stood in their way. But they would prove no match for the forces of the lords, who put down the revolt by slaying somewhere between seventy and a hundred thousand peasants in just over two months.

In Summer of Fire and Blood, the first history of the German Peasants' War in a generation, leading historian Lyndal Roper uncovers the far-reaching ramifications of this doomed rebellion. Though the victors portrayed the uprising as naive and chaotic, Roper's deeply researched account reveals instead a coherent mass movement inspired by the radical principles of the Protestant Reformation. Told through the voices of and beliefs of the people themselves, this is the thrilling, tragic story of the peasants' fight to change the world.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Periodi storici » Storia moderna (1450-1700 ca.) » Storia dell'Europa » Storia militare » Storia: opere generali » Storia: specifici argomenti

Editore John Murray Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/02/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781399818063

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Summer of Fire and Blood

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