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With 35 simple yet striking projects, Super-cute Felt is a must-have book for anyone with an appreciation of adorable, hand-crafted objects. Start with the 'Accessories' chapter, packed with pretty brooches, necklaces and scarves to keep you warm and snug - try the cute kitty purse that is sure to delight any little girl. 'Gifts' is next, with plenty of inspirational ideas, such as the fruity pincushion that any keen crafter will use again and again. In 'Homewares', you will find coasters, tea cosies and hot water bottle covers, all with a touch of vintage glamour. Finally, 'Celebrations' has unique decorating ideas for all the holidays, including Christmas, Halloween and Easter. There are projects for all skill levels, so you don't have to be an old hand in order to create something really special. Every design comes complete with clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations to guide you through each step. And at the back is a helpful techniques section explaining all the stitches and skills required, plus tips and tricks to make your creations really stand out.Laura 'Lupin' Howard is completely obsessed with felt and set up her online store Lupin Handmade in 2007 (, selling a range of adorable felt brooches, flower headbands, animal masks and other fun stuff. All her felt-works are 100% hand-stitched, and all the pieces are cut by hand from her own original patterns. She uses no mechanized cutters, sewing machines or glue - everything is literally handmade. Her work has been featured in a number of magazines, including Cloth, Metro, Vogue and Sew Hip.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Artigianato » Cucito e uncinetto , Arte e illustrati » Storia dell'arte » Espressionismo, Surrealismo e movimenti artistici dal 1900

Editore Cico Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/02/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781908862525

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Super-cute Felt

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