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On the run and hiding from a deadly past, Hannah Garrett follows two rules: Keep to herself and never get attached. But the new security chief is stirring desires she thought she buried years ago. He walks by and she trembles. He nears and she pants. Time for a cool down!

Working undercover, Ward Cassidy is trained to spot deception, and Hannah sets off every one of his alarms. Everything the mysterious beauty says is a lie, but he can't stop watching her lips. The urge to protect her never shuts off! He wants her, he but won't allow himself to touch until he learns her secrets.

When fate delivers a power outage, trapping them together in a hot, dark elevator, rising temperatures and relentless longing collide. Giving in is easy. Resisting each other afterward is the problem

Author's Note: This book was previously published as Share the Darknessnow refreshed with new scenes!

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa

Editore Nesting Doll Media Llc

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/08/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780998308173

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Sworn Protector

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