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Take Me There

Tristan Taormino
pubblicato da Start Publishing LLC

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Take Me There is a passion project for Tristan Taormino, who presents erotica by, for, and about transfolk, FTMs, MTFs, genderqueers, gender outlaws, as well as two-spirit, intersex, and gender-variant people in her newest anthology. Among the diverse array of voices in Take Me There, one important theme running throughout the stories is the power of seeing and being seen. It's not simply about passing, but about being acknowledged and desired in a sexual context. Affirmation and want collide in Andrea Zanin's story of a baby butch dyke and the transwoman she picks up in a small-town café. Likewise, the main character in Helen Boyd's "All Girl Action" longs to be touched as a woman by other queer women. The characters of these stories are ready and willing to go there and they do, over and over again.

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Spicy ed erotici » Contemporanei

Editore Start Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781573447409

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Take Me There

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