In the past 35 years, I've interviewed hundreds of artists, some with celebrity status others who quietly operate just below fame who have had long-running accomplished careers. I began assembling what I thought were the most insightful, informative and passionate reads to arrange into one book. When the manuscript grew to 1,500 pages, I did a closer look and saw three potential volumes. Vol. #1 The Artists Canadians Vol. #2 The Business the foundation of the Canadian music industry and Vol. #3 the Americans the icons of American music.
Talk! Conversations in All Keys are interviews with depth, history, forthright, and an inside view of the creative drive and discipline behind the success of 72 Canadians of note. Many laboured in clubs, cafes, some in total isolation, perfecting their craft. What does it take to succeed in a business where only a rare few earns a reasonable living and recognition the answers lie between these pages. Art is something you can't tame, game or blame. It's self-generated, spiritual, and where we go when most in need of inspiration and solace. I hope these conversations are a blueprint for any aspiring musician or a wellspring of motivation!
Bill King