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Talks with Christ and His Teachers

Charles H. Hapgood - Elwood Babbitt
pubblicato da Light Technology Publishing

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One of the world's few full trance mediums, Elwood Babbitt, brings you in this book direct conversations with the spirit of Christ, discussing and clarifying his teachings and the facts of his life. In addition to talks with Christ himself, the book contains talks with his father, Joseph, Pontius Pilate and St. Luke. It also contains talks with four of his teachers, including Judy, head of Essene Order, who is mentioned by Cayce as one of Christ's teachers. We learn of Jesus's three year initiation in a spiritual center in Syria, where he mastered the use of his spiritual powers. We learn of his later disappointment with his disciples, and of disapproval of much Church doctrine. Most important, we learn of his twin purposes in his mortal life: to teach men the immortality of the soul, and the primacy of love, which is the magnet and compass of man's life on earth, the guide by which he finds his way to his ultimate goal
These talks are edited and presented by one of America's leading scientists, Professor Charles H. Hapgood, who works have revolutionized our concepts of the history of the earth, and the ancient history of man. Hapgood is a retired university teacher who used his students to help him break open new paths in geology, archeology and psychic research. Some of his books are: Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Earth's Shifting Crust, Path of the Pole and Voices of Spirit. In this book he combines his devotion to scientific principles with spiritual insight.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Bibbia: testi e commenti , Esoterismo e Astrologia » Occulto

Editore Light Technology Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/05/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781622336463

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Talks with Christ and His Teachers

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