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Taming the Apocalypse

Shane Simonsen
pubblicato da Courante Ink

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After the resources that enabled industrial civilisation are depleted, only culture and biology will remain to sustain us.

The might of Babylon was built upon a handful of domesticated crops and livestock, brought into symbiosis with humans through the actions of long forgotten peasants. Today, at the peak of the industrial era, people have a priceless opportunity to forge relationships with a whole new range of living organisms. The nature of those species will determine the shape of the civilisations that rise on the far side of tomorrow.

"Taming the Apocalypse" explores the long rise of humanity and agriculture, and suggests practical approaches that people everywhere can use to create new symbiotic relationships with organisms across the entire tree of life.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Giardinaggio, altri titoli » Giardini: descrizione e storia , Scienza e Tecnica » Agricoltura e Allevamento

Editore Courante Ink

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 28/04/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007734472

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Taming the Apocalypse

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