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Teen Boat!

Dave Roman
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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-10 %

In this hilarious send-up of teen story tropes, bestselling author Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy) and cartoonist John Green (InvestiGators) deliver high school and high seas drama with a boatload of laughs.

What is Teen Boat?! Here is what the co-creators say:

John Green: Teen Boat! is the story of a teenager with the power to turn into a yacht. It chronicles the trials and tribulations of being a teen and a boat, such as trying to fit in with the cool kids, struggling with acne (or in TB's case, barnacles), being hijacked by pirates, crashing into icebergs, and going to detention. It's the only comic that features the angst of being a teen and the thrill of being a boat!

Dave Roman: Teen Boat! asks the reader to go on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, highlighting the universal struggle between inner versus outer identity. Through the power of graphic narrative, it redefines the perceived boundaries between boat and teen, because in our hearts, Teen Boat is you and me. Also, there are jokes about dinghies.

The ANGST of being a Teenthe THRILL of being a Boat! For more laughs, don't miss the follow-up, Teen Boat! The Race for Boatlantis.

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Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/05/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780547822495

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Teen Boat!

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