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Tequila Mockingbird (10th Anniversary Expanded Edition)

Tim Federle
pubblicato da Running Press

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Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tequila Mockingbird with this special new, expanded edition! This clever cocktail guide pairs cherished novels with both classic and cutting-edge drink recipesno B.A. in English required.

It's been ten years since the world's bestselling cocktail recipes book, Tequila Mockingbird, captured the attention of bar crowds, literary lovers, English majors, and readers everywhere with its clever commentary on history's most beloved books. This much anticipated 10th anniversary expanded edition features an updated introduction, refined drink recipes, and more than 70 delicious drinks and bar snacks, of which 15 recipes and 7 illustrations are exclusive to this revised edition.

Don't worry if you snoozed your way through Comp Lit. Think of this recipe guide as SparkNotes with a liquor license, trading out pop quizzes for popped corks. For all you mixologists and cosmo connoisseurs out there, we're serving up your favorite recipes with a smart new twist. You've gotta have something to talk about behind the barwhy not raise the level of banter by brushing up on your Bronte?

Let's get a little stupid and look a little smart. Even if you don't have a B.A. in English, tonight you're gonna drink like you do. Recipes include:

  • Big Little Limes
  • Are You There God? It's Me, Margarita
  • The Other Cognac Girl
  • Gin Eyre
  • Call Me by Your Nectarine
  • The Hand-Mule's Tale

And more!

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Generi Gastronomia » Altre bevande » Cucinare per le feste , Hobby e Tempo libero » Saper vivere » Feste, etichetta e intrattenimento

Editore Running Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/04/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780762448760

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Tequila Mockingbird (10th Anniversary Expanded Edition)

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