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Terrible True Tales: Greeks - Terry Deary
Terrible True Tales: Greeks - Terry Deary

Terrible True Tales: Greeks

Terry Deary
pubblicato da Bloomsbury Publishing

Prezzo online:
-10 %

'Deary's storytelling is simple, historically accurate and compelling.' The i newspaper on The Silver Hand

From the author of the blockbuster Horrible Histories series, which is now a TV show and movie, and has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide.

Horrible Histories author Terry Deary presents a hilarious collection of Greek tales based on thrilling true stories four books in one! Perfect for history fans (and those who don't know they're history fans yet) aged 7+.

***The Lion's Slave***The great inventor Archimedes has just one problem his clumsy servant, Lydia. But when the Romans besiege Syracuse, and the Greeks turn to Archimedes for help, it is she who comes up with the answers
***The Tortoise and the Dare***Elena's freedom is at stake. She needs all her cunning to make sure her brother wins a race in the Olympic stadium. But will he?
***The Boy Who Cried Horse***When a stranger announces that the Greeks have departed Troy, leaving a special gift of a wooden horse, young Acheron is suspicious. He races to tell Prince Paris about the Greek plot, but will anyone at the palace believe him?
The Town Mouse and the Spartan House Darius has been orphaned by the plague in Athens and joins the Spartan army. Then his uncle, the commander, falls sick. Can Darius find a cure?

Terry Deary's Terrible True Tales: Greeks explores the world of ancient Greece through the eyes of children who could have lived at the time. Packed with fun illustrations by Helen Flook, these stories feature real people and take place in some of the most recognisable ancient Greek settings. This new edition features notes for the reader to help extend learning and exploration of the historical period.

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Editore Bloomsbury Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/01/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781801995986

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Terrible True Tales: Greeks

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