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Texting Women: The Best Ways to Text Women and Make the Moves On Her

Ivette Hopwood
pubblicato da Publishing 4U

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Communication is more important than ever in our technological, digital era. It just takes a new form and has a different intent. We all have to learn it as we go through life. We have always needed to drop a line so to speak, but we are well beyond snail mail. We are also expected to eschew the phone and embrace social media as much as possible to develop a following and feel loved. We use our cell phones continually and never let them leave our sides. While a lot of what we do in talking or texting others is instinctive, sometimes we need a little help. In this book, readers will learn how to express their personalities more effectively and not “turn off†any message recipients. They will learn to appear in the best light. They will get idea in the face of writer's block and will understand how and why key words are potent. The book serves as an overview of one of the most common forms of communications in use. Its chapters include discussions of introversion versus extraversion, stumbling blocks in texting women, the power of language, and more. After perusing these next pages, you are ready to start the process right here and now and begin reeling in that special someone through texting. Strategy and tactics are now awaiting your discovery.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Famiglia e Figli » Adolescenti » Relazioni interpersonali » Separazione e divorzio

Editore Publishing 4u

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 26/03/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781386453376

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Texting Women: The Best Ways to Text Women and Make the Moves On Her

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