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That Festive Feeling

Heidi Swain
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

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Holly has the place to herself this Christmas. It's not her place, though she is house-sitting for friends who live on Nightingale Square just there to keep the place warm and cosy and only for long enough for her to sort her life out. Newly single and finding herself unsure about next steps for her career, she plans to hunker down and make some life decisions.

To clear her mind, she sets off on early morning walks around a nearby lake and bumps into May, an older lady who is also new to the area, and her dapper Dachshund Monty. Quickly, a firm friendship blossoms. Then when Holly meets Bear, a rather large and rather attractive man, at the local pub, and his rescue dog Queenie, her stay at Nightingale Square suddenly feels even more appealing.

As the community comes together for the season's festivities, Holly must start thinking about where her life will take her next. Some big decisions need to be made, but distractions close to home make thinking about the future more tricky than ever

Will she get that festive feeling this Christmas?

Your favourite authors love Heidi too!

'Grab a hot chocolate and lose yourself in this heart-warming story of romance, community and secrets. The perfect story to read by the fire!' PHILLIPA ASHLEY

'Brimming with warmth and Christmas cheer' SARAH MORGAN

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781398519558

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That Festive Feeling

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