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First published in 1835, "Thaumaturgia" was written by an Oxonian, which typically indicates an individual who is a member of the University of Oxford, England. This publication presents information on a bevy of spiritual, supernatural, and religious topics. A very thorough guide to several mystical topics, this text presents a thoughtful look at ideas that some might consider bizarre or strange. At times entertaining, at other times very informative, this book has many insights to share with the reader willing to listen.

Some of the highlights from the work include a detailed discussion of demonology, the devil, his predilection for old women, and traditions concerning evil spirits in the first chapter; a comprehensive exploration of magic and it's forms, and the rites of magic in the second and third chapters, and a detailed exploration in chapter three of the magic of augury, auspices, and divination. The publication goes on to address such adventurous topics as the deep-seated causes of dreams, the art of healing by visionary divination, and the history of the oracles. Anchoring these mystical flights of fancy are the scholarly sources for which an Oxonian is known to draw from, allowing the reader to further explore the root of these mysteries from primary and secondary source accounts.

"Thaumaturgia" provides a fantastical exploration of magic and supernatural phenomenon that may intrigue the reader. This book also grants the reader an entertaining look at the mystical world of oracles, amulets, charms, and dreams. Readers who are interested in the mythical, magical realm of the supernatural will find this book to be very entertaining. Individuals who enjoy a scientific look at religious beliefs, will also enjoy this book especially if they are scholars of religion or science.

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