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The ABC Book of Great Aussie Stories

Bill Marsh
pubblicato da ABC Books

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A fascinating, moving and often funny collection of stories about the Australian way of life.For 10-14 year olds.
'If you've got a minute to spare I'll more than gladly relate to you the real, true, fair-dinkum, ridgy-didge, authentic story ... 'Bill 'Swampy' Marsh is one of Australia's most popular storytellers - he knows a good story when he hears it and now he has gathered together a collection of real Aussie adventures for younger readers! Imagine droving thousands of cattle across the vast outback for months, living under the stars without any parents around. Lots of people in this collection have done just that. You'll also hear great stories about fast trains running away without drivers, learn how to shear a sheep (and how not to), and read about the flying doctor service arriving just in the nick of time. Some stories you'll have to read to believe.these are stories of an Australia that is disappearing, but you can experience them today.For 10-14 year olds.

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The ABC Book of Great Aussie Stories

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