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The Apple Argument

Jane Yolen
pubblicato da Lerner Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-13 %

In the Garden of Eden, as soon as God buried Vegetables in the ground, and put Fruits on trees and vines, the Fruits began to argue among themselves. "I am hardiest," said Apple. "I am sweetest," said Grape. "Enough!" said God, sending two caretakers to the Garden. "Eat me!" the Fruits called to the caretakers. "Listen to the Fruits," the snake hissed. Wanting things to be easy was the first real problem in the Garden. It was much easier for the caretakers to pick the Fruits than to dig up the Vegetables, so the caretakers listened to the snake. One of the lessons of this story: Growing food begins with hard work.

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Editore Lerner Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798765613368

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The Apple Argument

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