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The Art of Cooking Omelettes

Romaine De Lyon
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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The chef behind NYC's legendary Mme. Romaine de Lyon shares her secrets, stories, and more than 500 recipes for exquisite omelettes.

For sixty-five years, Madame Romaine de Lyon made a name for herself at her eponymous Midtown restaurant where she served only eggs. Romaine dedicated herself to the perfect execution of the omelette, winning world-wide acclaim and a loyal following of celebrity customers. Even the great Julia Child recommended The Art of Cooking Omelettes as the ultimate authority on this classic egg dish.

Madame Romaine de Lyon presents an homage to the omelette and her life as a cook. With recipes for more than 500 omelettes, she demonstrates how to elevate each one into a culinary works of art. With charm and wit, she also recounts how she came to America with nothing and built her renowned restaurant.

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo

Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/02/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781648371226

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The Art of Cooking Omelettes

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