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The Art of Living

Grant Snider
pubblicato da Abrams

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In The Art of Living, beloved cartoonist Grant Sniderauthor of The Shape of Ideas and I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelfhas created a humorous, uplifting look at mindfulness in this collection of one- and two-page comics that map his inner thoughts, poetic observations, and frequent failures at living mindfully.

Find a quiet spot away from all distraction / Listen to your breath / Watch your thoughts float past you / Forget the obligations of today / Try not to consider your eventual decay / Let yourself drift away / Arise, connected with the Earth / Awakened to the Universe.

With both humor and a touch of reality, The Art of Living centers on mindfulness, but also empathy, relaxation, gratitude, and awarenessevergreen subjects that are more important and relevant now than ever. In a striking package, the reflections Grant Snider shares are an extension of the themes of his first two bookswhich explored the creative process and the love of readingand is the perfect gift for those in a need of reflection, commiseration, hope, and a little extra self-care. Above all, Snider's cartoons will inspire and encourage a more thoughtful way of experiencing the world.

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Generi Fumetti » Storia, Attualità e Letteratura a fumetti , Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help , Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Storia dell'arte » Pop art e stili artistici dal 1960

Editore Abrams

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/04/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781647002497

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The Art of Living

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