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The Astronomy Puzzle Book

Royal Observatory Greenwich - Dr. Gareth Moore
pubblicato da Hodder & Stoughton

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Out now: the biggest quiz book of the year. The Astronomy Puzzle Book is a puzzle book that's truly out of this world

What's Goldilocks got to do with the study of space? Everyone's heard of NASA, but can you name any of the other 72 space agencies around the world? And do you know your lunar and solar deities?

The Astronomy Puzzle Book is packed with more than 100 puzzles that have been inspired by the Royal Observatory's history and collections. The conundrums and riddles in this book celebrate all that is inspiring and fascinating about space, the stars and the history of astronomy.

Inside this book, you will find astronomical instruments, star charts, famous astronomers and much more. Explore some of the latest astronomical theories and achievements in space exploration as you decipher the clues and solve the puzzles.

Put your problem-solving skills to the test by delving deep into the darkest corners of space.

Space has the power to inspire and fascinate all of us on Earth and the history of astronomy has been one of solving puzzles. Now it's your turn.

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The Astronomy Puzzle Book

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