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The Barrier Between (Collector Series # 2)

Stacey Marie Brown
pubblicato da Stacey Marie Brown

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The hunter has become the hunted.

Zoey Daniels is on the run for her life. Hiding from the very people she used to work for. She just found out her whole life was a lie, a science experiment of DMG. One with a fatal flawone that could kill hertaking Ryker's magic with her forever.

With their relationship changing and their shaky alliance growing into something more, they are in a race against time. Ryker, Zoey, and a narcoleptic monkey-sprite, Sprig, set out to find a way to transfer his powers back before it's too late. Their journey takes them to the rainforests of South America, dealing with those who are after something Ryker possesses and who will stop at nothing to obtain it for themselves.

What Zoey and Ryker discover could destroy themtearing them a part for good.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy

Editore Stacey Marie Brown

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 28/10/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781310634802

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The Barrier Between (Collector Series # 2)

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