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The Barsden Memoirs (1799-1816)

Grant Rodwell
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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Covering the life of Josephus Henry Barsden from his birth in 1799 through his childhood to 16 years of age, the Barsden memoirs describe events from a Sussex smugglers' inn, a convict ship to the colony of New South Wales, sealing and whaling expeditions to Van Diemen's Land, and Barsden's participation in a Tahitian civil war.

The author assesses the value of memoirs, and of these memoirs in particular to students of history in respect to the transnational paradigm. He tests the historicity and veracity of their contents, and provides an engaging exegesis and graphical supplement of its contents. Of central importance is Barsden's account of the Battle of Fe'i Pi, which was in many respects the Pacific's equivalent to the contemporaneous Battle of Waterloo, such was its lasting impact on Pacific geopolitics. This was no ordinary childhood, and poses many questions about a transnational adolescent's impact on major events.

A fascinating read for scholars and students of Australian, Pacific, and British Colonial History, written with academic rigour but accessible to non-specialists.

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The Barsden Memoirs (1799-1816)

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