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The Beautiful Ones

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

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-18 %

From the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic comes a sweeping romance with a dash of magic.

They are the Beautiful Ones, Loisail's most notable socialites, and this spring is Nina's chance to join their ranks, courtesy of her well-connected cousin and his calculating wife. But the Grand Season has just begun, and already Nina's debut has gone disastrously awry. She has always struggled to control her telekinesisneighbors call her the Witch of Oldhouseand the haphazard manifestations of her powers make her the subject of malicious gossip.

When entertainer Hector Auvray arrives to town, Nina is dazzled. A telekinetic like her, he has traveled the world performing his talents for admiring audiences. He sees Nina not as a witch, but ripe with potential to master her power under his tutelage. With Hector's help, Nina's talent blossoms, as does her love for him.

But great romances are for fairytales, and Hector is hiding a truth from Nina and himselfthat threatens to end their courtship before it truly begins.

Silvia Moreno-Garcia's The Beautiful Ones is a charming tale of love and betrayal, and the struggle between conformity and passion, set in a world where scandal is a razor-sharp weapon.

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Storici » Rosa

Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 27/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250785572

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The Beautiful Ones

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