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The Beautiful Ones

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
pubblicato da Quercus

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'Whenever I want to read a book I know will be good, I go to Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Her genres are ever changing, her ability to take on a wild story each time is incredible' TAYLOR JENKINS-REID, author of Daisy Jones and the Six

'I seriously loved everything about this from the gorgeous, lush prose to the tiny intimate moments of heartbreak' MARY ROBINETTE KOWAL, Hugo Award-winning author of the Glamourist Histories

'One of the most beautiful books I've read in a long time' M.J. ROSE, author of the Reincarnationalist series

From the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic comes a sweeping historical romance, perfect for everyone who wishes Bridgerton had just a dash of magic . . .

The Grand Season has just begun and already Nina's debut among Loisail's most notable socialites has gone disastrously awry.

Nina has always struggled to control her gift of telekinesis, which has earnt her the nickname the Witch of Oldhouse. When Hector Auvray, the renowned entertainer, arrives in town, Nina is dazzled. He too has a telekinetic talent and sees her not as a witch, but ripe with magical potential.

Under his tutelage, Nina's talent blossoms, as does her love for him. But great romances are for fairy-tales, and Hector is hiding a secret bitter truth from Nina - and himself - that threatens their courtship.

The Beautiful Ones is a sweeping tale of love and betrayal and the struggle between conformity and passion.

Discover why readers love The Beautiful Ones

'Jane Austen with added magic!' reader review

'An exquisitely written historical comedy of manners . . . her writing is elegant, rich in description and filled with characters that come vividly to life' reader review

'A completely charming and fun soap opera of a book! There's gossip, mean beautiful women and a great heroine you can't help love' reader review

'An emotionally intelligent novel that orbits around a tender, slow romance . . . one not to miss' reader review

'I adore the way that Silvia writes her characters . . . I can't put her stories down and yet am so sad when I reach the conclusion. Silvia writes stories to be savoured' reader review

'A wonderful book, full of twists and turns and unexpected surprises which kept me utterly gripped from start to finish' reader review

'I had an absolutely fantastic time with The Beautiful Ones and I would readily recommend it' reader review

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei » Fantasy » Horror e gotica , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy » horror e Dark Romance , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Quercus

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781529416121

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The Beautiful Ones

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