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The Blind Faith Hotel

Pamela Todd
pubblicato da Margaret K. McElderry Books

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When her family falls apart, fourteen-year-old Zoe feels like her whole world is going to pieces. Zoe's mother takes her kids away from their father, a fisherman who ships out to Alaska, and moves them to a run-down farmhouse she's inherited in the Midwest. Zoe's stuck -- in more ways than one.

Surrounded by strangers and a sea of prairie grass, she loses her bearings. A brush with the law lands Zoe in a work program at a local nature preserve. But the work starts to ground and steady her. When she meets a wild boy who shares her love of untamed places, it seems he might help Zoe find her way. Or is he too lost, too damaged himself?

Funny and poignant, sharp-eyed and real, this is a portrait of a girl looking for her own true self and a place she can call home.

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Editore Margaret K. Mcelderry Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/04/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781416999218

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The Blind Faith Hotel

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