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The Book of Birthdays

Pam Carruthers
pubblicato da Arcturus Publishing

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All of us have wondered what our birth date says about us, and now The Book of Birthdays can reveal its full significance.

With a reading for every day of the year, this fascinating book combines astrological expertise with numerology and tarot to reveal your personality profile and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Consult The Birthday Oracle for insight and direction in your work and career, love and relationships, social life and more! You will not only learn a lot about yourself but also the characteristics of many of your colleagues, friends and family.

Strengths and weaknesses
Planets you are governed by
Associated tarot card
Quote to live by
Celebrities and figures born on this day
Meditation to bring out the best in you
A breakdown of your star sign

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Generi Esoterismo e Astrologia » Astrologia

Editore Arcturus Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/11/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781398817463

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The Book of Birthdays

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