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The Cheapskate's Handbook

Mifflin Lowe
pubblicato da Familius

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The humorous guide to managing your money, now updated and stingier and saltier than ever.

Packed with hilarious observations, unusual tips, and the stingiest advice money couldn't buy, The Cheapskate's Handbook is the perfect gag gift for your favorite miserwho might just be you. Skinflint Mifflin Lowe invites fellow cheapskates to come out of the closet in a celebration of all things free, complimentary, pro bono, and if need be, cheap. With advice on everything from avoiding generous impulses to creatively bumming off your neighbors, plus delightful watercolor illustrations, hilarious photographs, and Mifflin's own "Miser's Aptitude Test," The Cheapskate's Handbook will have you laughing and saving money at the same time. What a deal!

Praise for The Cheapskate's Handbook

"This book is fun. Whether you truly have some Scrooge in your DNA or not, it's hard to take the Miserliness Aptitude Test . . . explore the Roommate Fee List . . . or read the "How to Avoid Taking Your Spouse or Significant Other to a Movie" chapter and not crack a smile. Or more. Lowe is irreverent, silly, and quite often over the top. . . . It's a 2.0 edition, after all, so he gives you the cheapskate view on Uber, Lyft, Miley Cyrus, and more." Ryan G. Van Cleave, Sarasota Scene

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Parodie e imitazioni » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Familius

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/09/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781641700245

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The Cheapskate

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