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The Contingency Plan (2022 edition) (NHB Modern Plays)

Steve Waters
pubblicato da Nick Hern Books

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A double bill of plays from the frontline of climate change an epic portrait of Britain in the grip of unprecedented and catastrophic floods. In On the Beach, glaciologist Will has followed in his father's footsteps, dedicating himself to studying climate change. Back from Antarctica, he visits his parents on the Norfolk coast. With catastrophic flooding growing more likely by the day, he has news that forces long-submerged secrets to rise to the surface. In Resilience, Will, freshly appointed as a scientific advisor, is in Westminster and he's out of his depth. Surrounded by ministers manoeuvring to impress, and with the threat of environmental disaster, can he get them to listen before it's too late? Impressive in scale and chilling as a prediction of our immediate future, the two plays are complementary but can also stand alone. Steve Waters' The Contingency Plan was first performed at the Bush Theatre, London, in 2009, and shortlisted for the John Whiting Award. It was revived, in this fully revised and updated version, at Sheffield Theatres in 2022, directed by Caroline Steinbeis and Chelsea Walker. 'An urgent wake-up call... for sheer emotional intensity, has no rival on the London stage... Waters' massive achievement is to have made the most important issue of our times into engrossing theatre' - Guardian 'A triumph' - Evening Standard 'Thrilling... masterly... a stunning theatrical knock-out' - Daily Telegraph 'The first and best British play on climate change' - Time Out

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Nick Hern Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/10/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781788505284

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The Contingency Plan (2022 edition) (NHB Modern Plays)

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