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» English » Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Storia dell'arte
Elena Fumagalli - Raffaella Morselli pubblicato da Viella Libreria Editrice
Up to now the theme of the artist in the service of Italian courts has been examined in various studies focused mostly on the High Renaissance, as though the phenomenon was relevant only to the XV and XVI centuries. It actually lasted much longer, spanning the whole longue durée of the lives of the courts of the ancient regime. The present volume intends to fill this gap, presenting for the first time a comprehensive examination of the subject of the court artist from sixteenth to seventeenth century and the transformations of this role. "Court artist" is here defined as one who received a regular salary, and was therefore attached to the court by a more or less exclusive service relationship. The book is divided in six chapters: each of them examines the position of the court artist in the service of the most important ruling families in Italy (the Savoy in Turin, the Gonzaga in Mantua, the Este in Modena, the Della Rovere in Pesaro and Urbino, the Medici in Florence) and in papal Rome, a particular and unique center of power.
Generi Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Storia dell'arte » Rinascimento dal 1400 al 1600 » Barocco, Neoclassicismo dal 1600 al 1800 , Storia e Biografie » Storia d'Italia e delle Regioni italiane » Storia d'Italia » Periodi storici » Storia moderna (1450-1700 ca.)
Editore Viella Libreria Editrice
Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM
Pubblicato 08/05/2015
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9788867284375 9788867284375
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