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The Cow Loves Cookies

Karma Wilson
pubblicato da Margaret K. McElderry Books

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The horse loves hay, the chickens need feed, the geese munch on corn, the hogs devour slop, the dog eats treats, but the cow lovesCOOKIES?

With an original twist on the ordinary barnyard book, the latest read-aloud from bestselling author Karma Wilson is a clever exploration of a curious incident on the farm. As the farmer makes his rounds each day, most of the animals chew on the foods a young reader would expect. But when it's time to feed the cow, she feasts on a special treat. Wilson's signature style and Marcellus Hall's spirited watercolors will delight children on and off the farmbecause when it comes down to it, who doesn't love milk and cookies?

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Animali » Storie da ridere

Editore Margaret K. Mcelderry Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/07/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781439156162

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The Cow Loves Cookies

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