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The Curious Kitchen Gardener - Linda Ziedrich
The Curious Kitchen Gardener - Linda Ziedrich

The Curious Kitchen Gardener

Linda Ziedrich
pubblicato da Timber Press

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Enjoy a whole new tasty cuisine using unexpected ingredients you can find in your own garden, from a Master Food Preserver and Gardener.

The Curious Kitchen Gardener is for cooks and gardeners interested in bringing novelty and variety into their lives and homes. It follows each season of planting and harvestingfeaturing nearly 35 often overlooked edibles, with illustrations, and a delicious recipe for each, encouraging us to see our gardens as an integrated whole and a year-round practice. Calling upon decades of Master Gardener and Master Food Preserver experience, Linda Ziedrich includes fascinating cultural context and personal connections to each plant. The result is the story of how and why an adventurous gardener cultivated a unique cuisine for herself and her familyand how you can too.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Frutta e verdura » Piante , Gastronomia » Cucina vegetariana

Editore Timber Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/02/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643264264

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The Curious Kitchen Gardener

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