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The DC Comics Encyclopedia New Edition

Landry Q. Walker - Matthew K. Manning - Melanie Scott - Nick Jones - Stephen Wiacek
pubblicato da Dorling Kindersley Ltd

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The definitive e-guide to the characters of the DC Multiverse

Iconic Super Heroes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash have been transformed in recent years, along with many other DC characters. This new edition of the most comprehensive A-Z e-guide to DC's pantheon of Super Heroes and Super-Villains includes the latest earth-shaking developments in the DC Multiverse, with profiles of more than 1,200 characters.

Created in full collaboration with DC, the encyclopedia features characters and art from every key crossover event, including Dark Nights: Metal and its sequel Dark Nights: Death Metal.

With a foreword by DC legend Jim Lee, a brand-new cover design, and thrilling comic artwork, the fun and excitement of more than 80 years of comics history explodes off every page.

Experience the DC Multiverse like never before with The DC Comics Encyclopedia New Edition.

Copyright ©2021 DC Comics. All DC characters and elements © & DC Comics. WB SHIELD: & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s21)

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The DC Comics Encyclopedia New Edition

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