There is a story written down in time about this king that's not heard of too often or known by many. It's a story of love for this king's great father; it's a story of giving and knowing what's right; and also knowing what's wrong. It's a story of this kings own beliefs but are they honest and true do and you believe he's right?
This King shall soon find out when the day of truth comes forth. He feels better for what he did for the creatures that day but their lives will never again be the same, he had taken so much from them and feels he gave back so very little.
As great and wise of a king he was he never really saw the reality of what he did that day, the day that he met and talked to one of these magnificent creatures and it opened up its heart to him and it shared all its pain.
This is the King's story and he wants you to know that sometimes it's far too late to ever turn back. He wants you to know that sometimes the decisions that you make today could affect your life and the life of others for the rest of your lives.
He wants you to know that before you take foolish action on your feelings inside you should be sure that you're pure about your emotions inside or your life will be tainted and full of heartache and the people or creatures all around you will be doomed and sentenced to a life of sorrow and pain.