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The Development of Pheasant Shooting - With Chapters on the Natural History of the Pheasant, Breeding, Rearing, Turning to Covert and Tactics for a Successful Shoot

AA.VV. Artisti Vari
pubblicato da Read Books Ltd.

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Comprised within this text is an account of the natural history and development of pheasant shooting in Great Britain, including detailed chapters on subjects such as rearing, turning, breeding, and hunting tactics. The perfect book for those with an interest in this most popular of wildfowl, this antique text is both interesting and informative, making it a great addition to collections literature pertaining to the hunting of wildfowl. The chapters contained within this book include: 'The Natural History of the Pheasant', 'Pheasant Breeding: Eggs and Incubation', 'Pheasant Breeding: on The Rearing Field', 'Pheasant Breeding: Turning Pheasants into Covert', 'Pheasant Shooting', and 'Pheasant Shooting Tactics'. This text has been elected for modern republication due to its educational value, and we are proud to republish it here complete with a new introduction on shooting wildfowl.

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Editore Read Books Ltd.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781528764469

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The Development of Pheasant Shooting - With Chapters on the Natural History of the Pheasant, Breeding, Rearing, Turning to Covert and Tactics for a Successful Shoot

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