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The Diogenes Trilogy

Douglas Preston - Lincoln Child
pubblicato da Grand Central Publishing

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Now, available for the first time together in a single volume: a digital-only, value-priced omnibus edition of the "Diogenes Trilogy": Brimstone, Dance of Death, and The Book of the Dead--featuring Pendergast's mysterious brother--by #1 New York Times bestselling authors Preston & Child.

A body is found in the attic of a fabulous Long Island estate. There is a hoofprint scorched into the floor, and the stench of sulfur chokes the air. When FBI Special Agent Pendergast investigates the gruesome crime, he discovers that thirty years ago four men conjured something unspeakable. Has the devil come to claim his due?

Two brothers. One, top FBI Agent, Aloysius Pendergast. The other, Diogenes, a brilliant and twisted criminal. An undying hatred between them. Now, a perfect crime. And the ultimate challenge: Stop me if you can.

A talented FBI agent, rotting away in a high security prison for a murder he did not commit. His psychotic brother, about to perpetrate a horrific crime. A young woman with an extraordinary past, on the edge of a violent breakdown. An ancient Egyptian tomb about to be unveiled at a celebrity-studded New York gala, an enigmatic curse released. Memento Mori.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Avventura » Avventura » Contemporanei » Gialli e thriller » Thriller

Editore Grand Central Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781455526925

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The Diogenes Trilogy

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