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The Dog Assassins Partly Illustrated. The Adventures of Llewelyn and Gelert Book Two

David Bell
pubblicato da David Bell

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The Emperor's finally got his dog: Rescued from their Jiang kidnappers, Gelert the legendary Wolfhound and Llewelyn Prince of Wales are rushed across the Chinese Empire to witness first hand what absolute power really means: a fearful nation bending to the erratic whim of a reclusive tyrant. The dark corridors of the Emperor's palace are soon awash with blood, but who's really in charge, the eunuchs or the generals? And with plans already in place for the invasion of Jiang, will Llewelyn help Feiyan pull off her outrageous plan to assassinate the Emperor? Join our two friends as they meet astonishing new dog breeds, unearth fresh mysteries, and brave the terrors of Gelert's increasingly rancid farts in this, the second book of the epic adventures of Llewelyn & Gelert. This e-book contains a sample of some of the 200+ illustrations you'll find in the Paperback edition available on Amazon and Createspace.

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Editore David Bell

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 22/09/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781370929542

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The Dog Assassins Partly Illustrated. The Adventures of Llewelyn and Gelert Book Two

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