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The Eight Lies We Tell Each Other

Christine Anna Kirchoff
pubblicato da Evernight Teen

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~Editor's Pick~

Lie one: we're all going to survive.

Nova just wanted to do her duty like everyone else. Become a soldier, keep Earth safe. When her base is attacked, she's captured by the alien enemies but they're nothing like she was taught. They're smart, calculating, curious, and so her nightmare begins.

Surviving. Dying.

When she's finally rescued, she can't remember much of her humanity but she can't tell anyone what she knows, like their language or the experiments. She never expects to meet the boy with the stunning green eyes, Pierce. They bring out feelings in her she had to destroy to survive. Then it comes out that the aliens are looking for something. Someone.

To keep Earth safe, Nova will have to kill the queens. Every. Last. One.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Evernight Teen

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 31/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369502087

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The Eight Lies We Tell Each Other

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